Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Jedi Doth Return

We have to end off the Star Wars review trilogy with The Jedi Doth Return.  The last book to end the original trilogy and the Star Wars Saga, until December of 2015 when JJ Abram’s Star Wars film comes out, which I’m super stoked about seeing!  But we’re not here to talk about that, we’re here to talk about the films, we’re here to talk about William Shakespeares The Jedi Doth Return.  Now I spent most of last weeks review praising its amazing awesomeness and it’s cleverness to bring Star Wars a whole new fan base, so I’ll will try to keep my fangasm to a minimum, but I can’t promise you anything.  So let this review begin.
So here is the story:  We return to the planet of Tattooine, home of our main character, Luke Skywalker.  He and his friends have been searching for the palace of Jabba the Hutt who has been holding Han Solo, who is still frozen, hostage and used as his … living room decoration?  Weird!  Any-who, Luke and his friends managed to get captured by Jabba the Hutt, ON PURPOSE!  And rescue Han from his cold prison, and kill Jabba, thanks to Slave Leia, and fly off to rejoin the Rebellion.  While the others return to the Rebel Base, Luke goes back to finish his training with Master Yoda.  But alas, Yoda has reached the end of his life, and is not able to help Luke finish his training.  Before he goes on to the next life, Master Yoda informs Luke something very important:

YODA These final words now
With my last breath I utter:
O hear well, brave Luke

This is our hope: there
Is another Skywalker.
The rest silence is.

After some council with Obi-Wan, Luke discovers that Leia is his sister.  It would’ve been better if he found that out before they made out in The Empire Striketh Back.  And he also realizes that he must destroy the Empire and bring the force back into balance.  So he returns to his friends at the Rebel Base with his own plan.  They find out that the Empire has started making ANOTHER Death Star, and that the Emperor is on board overseeing the final installments of the station.  May the Bothans Rest in Peace for their bravery!  They head to the Forest Moon of Endor, where they destroy shield protecting the Death Star.  Long story short, they destroy the Death Star, Darth Vader is brought back from the Dark Side and destroys the Emperor by taking his own life in the process, and they all lived Happily Ever After … Until December 18, 2015!
What is there to say that I haven’t said for the past 3 weeks.  This is a great series!  It’s in my top 10 favorite series of all time.  It’s written great, knows how to bring the Shakespeare writing and still make sense to the common person.  If you are a true Star Wars fan, you have to read this series.  The last thing I have to say is … WHAT ARE YOU DOING STILL READING THIS?!  GO GET THE BOOKS AND READ THEM, DO IT NOW!!!
So that is the end of another great book series.  There is another William Shakespeares Star Wars trilogy of the first 3 films, and I’ll probably wont review those until the end of this year since the last one, The Tragedy of the Siths Revenge, won’t be out until September.  Make sure you stick around until then.  If you like what you had just read, share and tweet this to all of your friends, family, and neighborhood hobos.  Well, I don’t know how a hobo would be able to read this, so just your family and friends.  If you’d like to see me review a certain book, please leave a comment below OR tweet me @BorenNerdy.  Next week I’ll be back with another Book VS Movie from a book I reviewed a while back, The Hobbit, and it’s going to be a fun one!  Until then, may the force be with you!
- BorenNerdy

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