Saturday, May 2, 2015

Book VS Movie - Star Wars VS William Shakespeare's Star Wars

In this corner, the king of pop culture, the only hope for all nerd kind … STAR WARS!  And in this corner we have the father of English and Literature, the man that made grown men dress up like women instead of having actual women be in the plays, which is pretty messed up.  The one the only WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE … Well actually, William Shakespeare’s Star Wars, but you know what I meant.  Now you’re probably all thinking that I have gone crazy since the movie is clearly better, which you are wrong.  The movie is always better!  But why can’t I have some fun … and some time to get some extra reading time for upcoming reviews.  So let the battle begin!
Now usually I review movies that are based on books, and since this is the complete opposite, I’m gonna talk about which side does a better job.  With the characters, the movie does a great job showing the emotions of each person.  You know when they’re sad, happy, scared, while in the book, the characters  ramble on and on about how they feel.  It’s nice knowing how they feel,  but I don’t need to know about some sun fading in the distance, when basically you could just say, “I’m sad.”  But each character is portrayed very well in the book, Han Solo as the scruffy looking nerf herder pirate, Luke as the bright eyed boy eager to learn his true potential, Leia as the princess that can kick butt, and R2D2 as the droid that no one understands.  That’s right, R2D2 has speaking parts, but only when he is monologuing to himself, then he is beeping and squeaking … He has a really bad potty mouth if you think about it.  
Also something positive about the movie that the book lacks is the setting.  When you’re sitting there and watching the movie, you can experience all the amazement of this one mans imagination.  In the book, it doesn’t really explain the setting very well.  I think because the movie came out first, Ian Doescher (the author) didn’t really need to explain the setting, because the only people that would read it are the same people that have seen the movie over and over again, to the point that they remember every single second and detail of the movie and don’t need an explanation of the setting or scenes.  So the book kind of had a win on that part.
My personal opinion, if you haven’t seen the movie or read the book, do it!  It’s so worth doing both.  And if you think about it, the story of Star Wars sounds like it could be from Shakespeare.  It has great characters, great villains, great setting, and it’s just plain great.  I heard a rumor that there is going to be a staged play of the book coming out sometime in the near future.  I really hope its true, cause I’d enjoy spending every penny to see that!  Better yet, let’s make it into a movie … James Earl Jones is still alive, he could use some more Star Wars fan love before he dies.
So that is my Book VS Movie, I had fun doing it.  I was planning on doing a Book VS Movie with the rest of the book trilogy, but then I realized that I would be saying the exact same thing two more times, but with a different story.  Oh well, but I promise I’ll do another review when the next Star Wars Trilogy comes out, which probably won’t be till the end of the year when I get to those.  Anywho, please leave a comment below if there is a book you’d like to see me tackle, and also, please share with your book loving friends.  I’ve missed doing these and I can’t wait to do more of these to come.  I will see you next week when I review the next William Shakespeare Star Wars book, The Empire Striketh Back.  Until then, may the force be with you!
- BorenNerdy
P.S.  HAPPY STAR WARS DAY!  May the 4th Be With You!

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