Yes, this is real! In 1977 someone was actually crazy enough to make an animated Hobbit show for kids, in less than an hour and a half. It wasn’t just any production company though. It was a Raskin and Bass production that made it. You know who they are, you watch their stuff every Christmas time. That’s right, Raskin and Bass are the people that created the iconic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer claymation show, and other iconic claymation Christmas shows that we all know and for some reason watch with no explanation. But we’re not talking about that today, we’re talking about the Hobbit. BUT, not only is it an animated show, but it’s also a MUSICAL! I am not kidding, it is a musical! Now I am gonna be comparing this to the Jackson film, I’m gonna be comparing it to the book. If I do mention the other film, it’ll most likely be because there might be some things that the Jackson film AND the book have in common that I liked that the cartoon didn’t have. So wish me luck as we go into the ring again with this challenging topic.
So let’s talk about the characters, well, they’re interesting. Gandalf was portrayed well with the voice casting of John Huston, he managed to make you believe he was an all powerful wizard. The dwarfs were … I guess you can say dwarves. They took more of a Snow White and the Seven Dwarves look instead of the Jackson ones. They looked old and just a little silly, not hot at all. Thorin was ok, he seemed like more of a cranky old king than a leader till the very end. Smaug was okay as well, although I don’t remember dragons having hair and looking like a giant fat cat with wings. My only problem with the character portrayal was Bilbo. Voiced by Orson Bean, this character basically drove me nuts, I hated him. He seemed more like a jerk, and like he never really wanted to be there. In the book he shows that it’s not easy just deciding to leave everything behind and go with these strangers across Middle Earth, and also have to pretend that he’s a skilled burglar on top of all of that. In the cartoon, he brags WAY too much. He also acted like he didn’t really care about the others, as long as he got out alive. The whole time watching it I kept thinking, “Wow Bilbo, you’re kind of a jerk. I hope you die!” I was not a fan at all.
The movie did a really good job with making Middle Earth, look like what Middle Earth could be. It’s hard to make a grand looking world with animation. But they did very well with what they were working with, especially since this was made in 1977 where computer animation wasn’t really thought of just yet. They even attempted to make the characters their own. Although I wasn’t a fan of how the elves looked, they looked a little too weird for my taste. Let’s just say, they weren’t no Legolas.
The story was very close to the book, closer than the Jackson ones. The only thing they didn’t put into the cartoon was the story plot of the Arkenstone, which was the real reason Thorin wanted to return to the Lonely Mountain. But I think it was a good thing taking that out, cause they way the Arkenstone made Thorin while he was trying to find it, it isn’t really “kid friendly”. But it does simplify the story of The Hobbit as best as Raskin and Bass could, which in my opinion is a very good thing. But the book obviously has more of the good stuff, like more battle scenes, and all of that fun stuff, time to tell the whole story and not having to worry about rushing through it.
My personal opinion, even though the book is pretty graphic and sometimes gets into some dark stuff that might not be for kids, the show is a little too kid friendly and is more like some over the top Disney Special where they don’t let the kids experience the serious stuff. And let’s not forget, JRR Tolkien wrote The Hobbit as a bedtime story for his son when he was little. And eventually his son took over the Middle Earth franchise, and he turned out fine … I think. I have to go with the book, because it has the fun and seriousness that makes a great adventure story. But the cartoon is always a good way to show to your younger kids that you think aren’t ready for the Jackson films. The cool thing about something both films has is the songs. They both have the Bilbo Baggins Hates song and the Misty Mountains songs in both films, even though they aren’t the same music, but they have the same lyrics. It’s a great way to introduce your child to the world of Middle Earth movies and books. Don’t think I just changed my mind right there, I still say the book won, by a landslide of course.
So that is my final Hobbit theme review … Until next week when I take on The Lord of the Rings series with The Fellowship of the Ring. And I’d like to give you a heads up, the next couple of months will be a LOTR theme. Lots of Book reviews, and Book VS Movie review, INCLUDING the Ralph Bashki film. So stay tuned for a couple of months of fun. If you have a particular book you’d like for me to take on, please leave a comment below, OR tweet me @BorenNerdy. I will see you next week, and until then, read a book why don’t you!
- BorenNerdy